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Acoustic Consultancy

Experienced, innovative, flexible – BAP Acoustics is your partner for  professional acoustic design services.

"When a tree falls in the forest, is there any sound?"

Only humans and animals perceive sound. At BAP Acoustics, we strive to attenuate unwanted sound like urban or industrial noise, while promoting desirable sound to optimize speech intelligibility and musical clarity.

Founders of BAP Acoustics

Our Work

What We Do

What People Say

Who We Are

BAP Acoustics was started by Eric de Santis and Mark Gaudet in 2012. We have offices just outside Vancouver in Port Moody and in Victoria. 

Our firm delivers industry-leading services and solutions to clients across the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

Our key resources include experienced and well-motivated staff all of whom are qualified at post-graduate level in acoustical engineering.

We possess excellent IT facilities, specialist instrumentation, computational and simulation systems.

Sharing Our Knowledge

A number of UK and EU-based universities offer Acoustical Engineering degree programs at levels from undergraduate to PhD. If you live in Canada or the US, however, you’ll find that those highly specialized degree programs aren’t offered on this side of the Atlantic. But if a career in acoustical engineering
The fact that I’m wearing noise-cancelling headphones as I write strikes me as both ironic and illustrative of how much and how insidiously noise can affect us at work, rest, or play. With all the construction underway in my neighbourhood, I’m relieved to discover that the sounds of recorded waterfalls,
I’d never before pondered that fish and noise might—even indirectly—have anything to do with each other. Little did I know! Sure, fish do tend to be quiet, but the process of harvesting them most assuredly does not. With high casualty, accident, and injury rates, fish harvesting ranks as one of
Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or a student of any age, news headlines like the one above spell not only uncertainty, but an exponentially increasing likelihood that you may soon need to—if you haven’t already—set up a virtual classroom in your home.
If you’re familiar with our work and philosophy, you’ll know that we’re all about planning-stage noise mitigation measures vs/ so-called soundproofing… the latter almost worthy of MythBusters*. You’ll know BAP Acoustics gives no bandwidth to purveyors of noise-cancelling miracle materials and quick-fix solutions with no scientific basis. That said, there
In Have you heard about her? Women’s innovative contributions to acoustics (Part I), we started off with a historical perspective, acknowledging Hedy Lamarr’s ground-breaking work in developing the frequency hopping spread spectrum, a technology still used in underwater acoustic communication and recognized as the foundation of WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth.

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