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Vancouver Cohousing – 1733 East 33rd Ave, Vancouver

Vancouver Cohousing – 1733 East 33rd Ave, Vancouver

BAP Acoustics provided acoustic design services to 8th Avenue Development Group and Ankenman Marchand Architects for this recently completed Cohousing community project targeting LEED Gold Certification.

Specifically, we advised on exterior wall and window assembly selection to attenuate exterior noise in compliance with Section 4.15 of the City of Vancouver (CoV) Zoning and Development Bylaw. We also focussed on noise control of mechanical and electrical equipment to meet the requirements of CoV Noise Bylaw 6555.

We addressed the need of compliance with the Vancouver Building Bylaw when the separating partitions selections were made, and also proposed details for acoustic treatment in the common areas of the building to promote acoustically comfortable environments.

Client: 8th Avenue Development Group and Ankenman Marchand Architects

Services: Reverberation Control, Sound Insulation (STC) Control, Building Services Noise Control, Building Envelope Acoustic Design

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