Vancouver Masonic Centre

Vancouver Masonic Centre

BAP Acoustics worked with Shape Architecture throughout the design and construction of the Vancouver Masonic Centre. The project comprised two separate yet related elements – the four-story Vancouver Masonic Centre Building (VMC), and an eighteen-story naturally ventilated mixed-income rental housing building.

BAP provided advice to promote high levels of sound separation between the Banqueting Hall and the Masonic Lodges and between the street level restaurant and the lodges. We also recommended appropriate surface finishes to optimize the room acoustics and speech intelligibility in the lodges.

Reports had been issues to the City of Vancouver addressing noise bylaw compliance for the licensed premises, and compliance of the residential building with the Section 4.15, “Acoustics” of the City of Vancouver Zoning and Development Bylaws.

Client: Colliers International

Services: Building Envelope Acoustic Design, Entertainment Noise Assessment, Reverberation Control, Sound Insulation (STC) Control

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